Welcome to Political Thoughts by Allan

Many of these thoughts may sound familiar, but I will add my view point from my past as business owner, mayor, military, or family man. Many are conservative viewpoints, but there maybe some that will conflict with conservative thought. I'm not a perfect conservative, but a free conservative...so far.

Enjoy these thoughts and leave remarks as we travel down this road together. You may agree with some of them and many you may disagree. That is alright, because we live in a country that we are free to express our thoughts without prosecution from our government.

Lets express our first admendment rights together.


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Registration of Guns Will Lead to Confiscation

20 years ago, Canada implemented a gun registration program similar to what President Obama and his staff are working on right now.  So, all Canadians registered their guns and the government had a complete list of who had what type of guns.  Then the leaders of Canada voted to out-law a type of gun, because they deemed that it isn't needed by the public.  Then they added another and another.  Each person would have to return their gun to the authorities and there were no reimbursement of the cost of the gun.  This is very similar to what President Franklin Roosevelt did when he confiscated all the gold in America...no reimbursement of cost.  Now, no private citizen has a gun according to their records. 
Now, here we are in a point of time like the Canadians about to pass legislation that will mandate registration of all guns either through registration with the government or insurance.  If we go through with this, we will be in the same situation as Canada 20 years from now or sooner.
Why do I worry about this and the second amendment?  It is very simple and our founding fathers realized this when they added the second amendment to the bill of rights. Yes, this is one of our rights as a human being in the United States.  What the British used to do is they would confiscate all weapons from the private citizens.  Then they would take what they needed for their army from the citizens and no one could fight back.  This is what they call tyranny.  King George had the colonist under tyrannic rule, because many couldn't fight back and just gave up their homes, their land, their crops and other possessions (No soldier shall quartered in any citizens home without their permission, 3rd amendment).  If they fought it, they would be shot or imprison.  The second amendment was added to prevent our current government to do this same thing.  So far, it has been hard for them to confiscate something they need or they believe is a threat to the government like Waco.  I am not condoning what that crazy guy in Waco was about, but the government had a hard time to flex their muscles and take his compound.  Really, he wasn't hurting anyone.  He was a crazy person who lived a life I nor the government agreed with.  So, the government raided the compound and everyone died on the compound.
With guns out of our hands, government can confiscate our property, which is in the bill of rights...4th amendment.   They can control speech, but dictating what media can broadcast and which ones will be closed down.  In order to succeed, they will need to increase the size of government and through that, the government will tell us we have a revenue problem, not a spending problem.  They need more money the best way to get it is through taxes, fees from regulations, inflation by weakening the currency and finally, control the private business so much, that only a select few designated by government officials as the only ones who can do business.
The two things that are being address so they can go forward to their next plan is to set in motion to get the guns out of the private citizens hands and to raise revenue based on their belief.  President Obama has never worked a job in the private sector and only worked in the public sector briefly as an activist.  Therefore him and others from his political belief, believe that the only way to raise revenue is to tax more, first the rich and then the rest through programs such as Medicare/Medicaid, Social Security and other programs that he will create like the Affordable Health Care Act.  There are so many newly created taxes in this plan that we won't start to see it until 2014 and when it reaches its full stride in 2018.  For businesses there will be 13 new taxes.  Many small and medium businesses will not be able to afford it and eventually will close and work for either the government or go on one of the government programs that help the poor, because it will be easier and no incentive to move on.  One thing about revenue that most people of the same belief as our president is that if they let business flourish and grow, they would generate more revenue through the current tax programs that implemented.

Revenue is generated from the movement of product and services through private enterprise.   The more movement through the hands of customers, the more tax revenue is generated.  However, if we spend our money toward government mandated regulations, the less we can spend on moving our product through hiring people and buying more from vendors.  This is the fundamental difference in belief.  Those who own businesses and rely on the movement of product or service (Not government service) understand this.  Obama has never owned a business nor has he ever worked in the private sector in his whole life.  So naturally, him and others like him believe that we tax more from us, the people, the more jobs they create in government.  One day, the money will either dry up or the people will rebel.  As long as the second amendment stays intact with no changes as it is written, we will have the power to rebel.  However, some leaders have other plans.  They want a total socialist society and taking the guns away will give them the power and our country will be another third world country.  The decision to keep our Republic or let it go as we have been doing for the past 20 years and I include Bush in this equation as well.  Both parties have been working toward this one world government to match the Europeans.  This decision is ours. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Obama Approval Rating Gains in the Polls

By Allan Gainer

 We are seeing a huge change in political thought throughout the country the past ten years.  People are becoming more complacent and more want government to take care of them instead of them manning up to take care of themselves.  I am appalled at the dependencies of these people.  The fact that scares me is that over 50% of the people in the US get some form of entitlement from the government and this doesn't include Medicare or Social Security.  This is inexcusable.  This is the sign of end of a country or a rise of a tyrant.

How did we get here.  It is very easy and we have ourselves, the people, to blame.  When a politician runs for office, he/she makes promises of "If elected, I will give you this..."  Then this politician has many ads and propaganda's running continuously until the people start believing they are entitled to this...  Then that politician is elected.  This has been going on for quite some time and it has been building.

At first, politicians got elected and didn't fulfill their promise.  The saw through this and started electing someone else. Then the politicians kept their promises and then they got to stay in office.  Others followed until there are so many programs to give the people something that costs more than what the country is taking in as taxes, fees or inflationary margins.

Now, we have over 50% of the Americans with some form of entitlement and it will continue to grow.  Eventually, they will be less and less producers, more government workers and many people out of work and sitting on their butts collecting money (Promises).

Now, we have a president who knows this and will continue to instigate more people to be dependent on government.  Once the majority of the masses are so dependent on government, freedom will be lost and the masses can be controlled by one entitle or worst one person, the tyrant.  Right now, Obama can only serve two terms, but as you have seen all the executive power moves he has done the last few months, don't be surprise he over rules this as well and keeps in office for the good of the people.

We all need to stop being selfish and wake up.  If he wins and so far he is leading in the key states, we will be heading down the road for good and there will be no turning back.  Many will be happy, because they like government telling them what they can or can't do.  I am not one of them.  I like my freedom of choice and I will fight this through education.  All I ask is pay attention to the entitlement programs and see where it is taking us.  More laws, more programs...less freedoms.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Capitalism vs Governmentalism

by Allan Gainer

We live in a divided country in many respects.  Many people believe that if they ignore what is happening in Washington DC, it won't effect them.  It is what I call "head in the sand" emotion.  These are the ones you hear in social talks that the only subject matter they discussed is what's happening on some reality show or how their life is out of control.  They just go through the motions...waiting until Friday night to get totally drunk or heading to the lake to test out their new jet ski.  Life in their bubble is fine and if they don't pay attention to what is outside their bubble, it doesn't exist.  These are probably the same ones who are not reading this when they saw my title, because they can careless whether its capitalism or governmentism.

Now we have the two different classes of thinkers which is what you hear all over the media across our country.  Each side yelling lies and very angry discussions heat the living rooms, bars, work areas and all areas of social engagement.  I will give it my best effort to break it down to show the difference.  I hope many who read this can understand the other side better.

When our forefathers founded our country, the majority of the people had their own small business and competed against each other for sales.  It made each person strong in character and a strong drive to achieve success.  Those who worked for them either felt strongly to help their boss to become successful, because they knew they would have job security or learned as much as they could before starting their own business.  Naturally, they had to save money on their own to start this business.

This capitalistic environment gave our country a strong drive to be the best in foreign trade as well as domestic.  What do I mean by competitive drive to be the best?  By definition, capitalism is an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market.

When you own a business, you take everything you have ever learned, accumulated materialistic goods and the hunger to dream big and apply it to your business.  Running a business, everyday isn't a good day.  Matter of fact, we have had more bad days than good days in the beginning.  You have to have a resilient personality to ride out the low points.  I would like to say business will only go up in sales and profits, but it doesn't.  Instead it is like a roller coaster ride.  There will be days you will feel invincible and other days you want to quit.  When the feeling of quiting overrides your emotion, you strive to find your dream and derive that feeling when you were winning.  Remember, don't quit.

When we first opened our bookstore, we were lucking to get one or two customers walking in the door per day.  We had days when no one came in the store.  We rode it out.  After two months of business we had our textbook rush for the first quarter of college.  We stocked up all the correct textbooks and when the first day arrived, we got 20 customers out of 9,000 students.  (Years later at our peak we got over 2,000 students in our doors in the first week of rush).  We advertised on campus and everything, but it didn't work.  We took the hit and returned all the books and lost out in cost of shipping and wages.  Then we had to ride it out the next four months out until the next rush.  Lets say, we had a very bleak Christmas in 2004.  When you own your own business, your personnel, taxes and vendors get paid before you do.  There were months when we didn't get paid.

If you are used to living by pay check and expect it every week, you should never go into business.  Stay working for someone else.  Remember they are paying you, so they control the rules of business.  It is their risk not yours.  As long as they stay in business, you have a job.

This brings up a myth that many people believe in...government create jobs just as much as businesses.  For government to run, they need money.  They get this money through income tax, business tax, other taxes and inflation.  Why did I include inflation? 

When the federal government spends more money than they have, they have to borrow it from the Federal Reserves. (The Federal Reserves is owned by a small number of very wealthy bankers that are silent to the country, but not on the board.  Believe me, Ben Bernanke takes his orders from this board not Congress as it was originally suppose to be.  The Federal Reserves is not owned by the United States, but are supposed to be controlled by Congress.  One fact, they have never been fully audited by Congress ever.)

Once Congress borrows the money from the Federal Reserves, not only do they have to pay an interest rate, but they borrow the money at the spending power it is at that time.  Once this debt is established, the dollar becomes less valuable than it was prior to the loan.  The difference of value of the dollar prior to the loan and after the loan is the form of tax.  Congress does this a lot and hence why many people are very worried about the debt being out of control and why your spending power is decreasing daily. 

On taxes, the majority of them come from business tax verses income tax.  For example, employees pay 3.2% of their wage on Social Security tax and businesses pay 6.2% toward their Social Security tax.  There are other taxes such as Business Occupational Tax, Labor and Industry Tax (both state and federal), and a slew of other taxes depending on what type of business you own.  I don't want to go into how much taxes bar owners pay.

After government gathers all the funding from taxes in many forms, they are open for business.  So they hire people to perform governmental jobs.  When our country was founded, the Federal government was to keep the states united, open free trade between the states and other countries, hence why they believed in a strong military and keep continuity between the states like money.  The Vice President didn't even get a pay check unless he was called upon by the president.  States had more power and many programs came from the state level.

Now many people don't have the temperament of owning a business.   They rather work for someone else and that is great.  I am glad there are a lot of people who loves working for someone else.  This is where we get a great pool of capable workers to join our business quest.   Many people who fall in this category believe in capitalism, because they know without it, they won't have a job.

There are a very large group of people who feel like they have been defeated and lost any drive that they may of had years ago, but now just want was is owed to them.  These are the people, if the government cut anything back, they would be afraid of losing their benefits.  Right now, over 50% of the population are getting some form of entitlement from the government like food stamps or unemployment.  This figure doesn't include Medicare or Social Security. 

Many people feel that government does a better job of doing something over private business.  These are the same who feel that large corporations are greedy and take everything they can from the little people.  Government can't be greedy and will delivered better services because of their is not profit to be made.  There is one little mistake they are missing and that is governmental kingdoms.  Kingdoms is something I saw when I was mayor.  Many people will give you all the reasons why they need more people or money.  They will tell you if they don't get it, what will happen to the community and we don't want the elected officials to look bad to the public.  It is as if the bottom will fall out if it doesn't happen.  Try cutting any programs from them...they will scream bloody murder and will politicise it.  This is what I have termed as kingdoms. 

Kingdoms have gotten so big in government, we are now paying the price as citizens.  Almost everyone agrees that we need to cut back, but what.  We have such dependency on government, that it is ugly in any direction you to cut back on any one's kingdom.  This is where lies the problem.  I believe we all need to suck it up and cut back all across the board.  I know I will have a hard time with the military cuts, because I believe in a strong military, but we need to cut there too along with defense spending.  This goes with other programs where many can be merged or eliminated and bring down to state levels.  We have a lot of redundancies in government. 

However, I don't see any side taking this stand, so we are at a stalemate.  We need some federal government programs such as Social Security, Medicare and a few other programs. Many programs can be handled at the state level...they are already paying for federal unfunded mandates, why not let them to own it.  This goes with many issues brought down to the local levels.   I can go case by case, but I have extended my blog for one day. 

A strong capitalistic environment will give us many advantages where we don't have to look at government.  Churches used to be very strong on programs for the needy, but lately their hands have been tied.  We need to pull many laws and regulations away from businesses, churches and other local non-profit organizations so they can flourish.  I would love to see many of us taking pride in what we do and keep our dreams alive as we strive for our goals for our families.  I would like to see everyone making a difference in their community through volunteerism or owning their own business contributing to something positive to the citizens.  Government in moderation is a good thing, but we are beyond that.  Let's reel it in and bring strong capitalistic minds in action by destroying the myth business is evil...they are good to our communities and a strong financial supporter to government.